
about us


OUR mission

To leverage technology to better care for people and cultivate a culture of safety within communities. 



We care about people. We know our customers are doing everything they can to care for their communities. We focus on doing the same for our customers by providing an open ear to their needs, and full support from our team and platform.


We constantly pursue simplicity for Safehive product & program solutions. We don’t shy away from complex issues and topics, but always seek the simplest, straightforward option.



We are honest and direct with our curriculum, each other and our customers. We don’t sugar coat, we also never use the truth as an excuse to bully. Instead we practice gentleness and care.



Crafted by Experts

Our team

Safehive courses are built with a tremendous amount of care, research, and expertise. Our courses are backed by a team of advisors that oversee all of the content and training. When a new class is being created, we find industry experts to develop the content specific to that class. This means when you take our CPR course, you’re learning CPR from paramedics and lifelong instructors.



How do I Begin?

Getting started with Safehive is easy. If you are ready to choose your plan head over here, or you can connect with us. We can also give you a custom tour around Safehive. If you have questions or want to find out more, call us at 888.250.5023.